Milan Karki, who is 18 years of age and lives in rural Nepal, took the well-known fact that human hair can create static electricity and turned it into a 18 watt solar panel.
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Milan Karki, who is 18 years of age and lives in rural Nepal, took the well-known fact that human hair can create static electricity and turned it into a 18 watt solar panel.
Over 600 people attended the Power Shift conference last weekend, and all voluntarily spent 3 days at the Auckland University campus. Those in attendance all seemed extremely passionate(...)
The conference held on the 22nd of November at the Wellington town hall was a successful day and proof that the renewable energy industry is thriving in New Zealand! It united professionals with different backgrounds, from solar installers sharing their experience(...)
Want to reduce your road fuel costs by 95%?
It's easy to see why Peter Sewell is such a cheerful chap. He is running his 1995 Toyota Celica on electricity, which the electricity is mostly from his solar panels on his roof . He says he can get 100KM in the(...)
If you are having a hard time reading all of the facts in the infographic, below is word copy of the information.
This infographic is about solar power for New Zealand.
Kiwibank has launched a new initiative called the Sustainable Energy Loan, making it easier for New Zealanders to become more energy independent.
If you are wanting to invest in a renewable energy generation for your home e.g. a solar power system or a solar(...)
Because solar hot water has been so dominant in New Zealand for the last decade, when you say "solar" most kiwi's assume you are talking about solar hot water and don't know there's a(...)
Chanel makes it official. Solar Power is in Fashion! Karl Lagerfeld not only themed the Spring 2013 Paris Fashion show around renewable energy, he also incorporated it in this clothing design.
The solar panel runway lined wind turbines made a really big(...)