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Reviews From Solar Power System Owners

We have asked people that brought a solar power system after getting 3 quotes through My Solar Quotes how their solar power systems are going! We asked:
What size system did you install?
How long has your solar power system been running for?
How did you find the solar installation?
How have you found the performance of the solar power system?
Do you have any other comments that you would like to share with New Zealanders thinking about going solar?

Sandra, Rodney, Auckland

Review Date: 26/11/2015

Size: 4 kW

Running for: 7 weeks

Comments on the installation: "Great. Installers were considerate and made sure we were happy with each part of the installation especially the placement of the inverter."

Comments on the system performance: "Yes performance great. Amazed that on some days we were producing more than 4 kW. Since installation early October we have not produced less than 10 kW. Our record day so far was this week when we produced 28.5 kW. Power bill down by $80 the first month but hopefully this will increase with summer."

Advice: "Down side of solar if you are not getting batteries installed is that you still use power at night - TV, lights, oven etc. The power companies charge you around 4x the price for your imported power as your exported power."

Terry, Waitakere City, Auckland

Review Date: 31/07/2015

Size: 2 kW

Running for: About two months

Comments on the installation: "Yes very impressed with sales and installer. Took one day to install ... left my house as if they had not been there ..,"

Comments on the system performance: "Well .. I founfd the hot water vac tube panel the best and made a good difference .. As for power solar panels not so impressive ... As changed power company and. Ended up with slightly after negotiation's higher per kilowatt but yes it's working well and have at the moment 400 kW of export power to get refund @8 cent a KW ..."

Advice: "Overall great ... Good move looking forward to the new better storage system tat will be here soon ...,
Stay with your power company a neg the price of power and meter .. Then get some prices from other companies to keep them honest ... Do your home work .. Watch the plus GST ... Use the al up including GST every time ...."

Liz, Rodney, Auckland

Review Date: 05/05/2015

Size: 1.5 kW

Running for: 1 month

Comments on the installation: "Installation was quick and pain free except that when the salesperson came and checked my verandah (where the panels are installed) he didn't see that some of the purlins were rotten and so I had to get them back to remove the panels to allow the builder to replace them. The whole process took two hours plus there would have been two hours travel and they charged me for a whole day which I thought was a bit rich. Also, the salesperson said they would put some panels on the north-west facing verandah and some on the north east facing one which, unless you use micro-inverters on each panel is impossible with a single inverter. I would say that buyers really need to be well educated on solar systems and their requirements before purchasing them so as to get the best from their installation."

Comments on the system performance: "The system works pretty well although it could work better. The roof line shades the north east facing verandah roof in the afternoon so the generating period is shorter than it could be in Summer and Autumn. I have yet to see how it performs over winter. The 1.5 KwH system usually provides as much power as I use in a day except, as it is grid-tied rather than using battery storage, at night I use power from the grid. Also, my hot water heater is 3kW so the system doesn't generate enough to heat it. Over winter I have a wet back so that heats the water. I was paying on average $60 a month in electricity I now pay a total of approx $25 a month of which $10 is the daily rate. I've been keeping a tally of daily readings for two months and the daily average net electricity usage is 0.50c excl GST. So yes, the system does save me money. However for a family I'd say a bigger system would be required."

Advice: "If you are a smart electricity user, use the solar generation during the day when it is generating and keep night time use to a minimum, always turn off appliances and don't leave them on standby etc you will save money no doubt. There is encouraging news regarding battery storage with Tesla producing a 7.5kW and a 10kW battery for home gen use. They cost around $3500US and no doubt will come down in price over time. So going off the grid, which is what I want to do, is possible at a reasonable price."

Alistair, Auckland

Review Date: 01/03/2015

Size: 4kW

Running for: 2 weeks

Comments on the installation: "The installers were amazingly courteous and very respectful while explaining what they were doing along the way of the install."

Comments on the system performance: "We haven't had a bill yet but have been checking on the app and it appears to be working really well."

Advice: "Wish I had done it years ago and planning more installs on commercial buildings."

Shirley, Papakura, Auckland

Review Date: 17/02/2015

Size: 3kW

Running for: 3 months

Comments on the installation: "Excellent, trouble free installation. Took 2 half days. However Counties Power took 2 months to install the smart meters but Xmas and New Year did intervene."

Comments on the system performance: "Performance satisfactory. Best week averaged 15.6 kWh/day, worst week in mid-Dec was 9.8 kWh/day. Best day = 19.9 kWh. Since solar was connected, 93 days ago we have produced 1236 kWh, averaging about 13.3 kWh/day. We were told that the system would average about 11.7 kWh/day over a year so the estimate looks good.  Our power bills for November and January were about 20% less than previous year and we had guests over the festive period, which we didn't have in 2013. Don't know about power back to Contact Energy because no invoice since new meters were fitted. Very cloudy days in Auckland lately, need more sunshine! We had expected to save about 50% of our power bill but I doubt if it will be that much, maybe 30-40%. We need another 9 months to confirm that one way or the other. Contact Energy reducing their power buy back to 8c/kWh just after we decided to go solar was disappointing but we had guessed that would happen. There should be a Government minimum that power companies buy power back from customers for, probably about 15c/kWh. As usual the power distributers are ripping us off! The display monitor is excellent and we haven't tired of following the data. BUT the gadget itself is very temperamental and the slightest (and I mean slightest) brush against the power lead turns the monitor off.

Advice: "If you have funds sitting in a bank getting less than 4% interest then get solar asap. The savings on your power bill will far exceed the interest lost."

Lorraine, Manukau City, Auckland

Lorraine, Manukau City

Review Date: 15/09/2014

Size: 3.75kW

Running for: 5 days

Comments on the installation: "We used S4Solar to do our installation and had excellent service from them. They took three days to complete the installation and I would recommend them without hesitation."

Comments on the system performance: "Too soon to have a good idea but we're pleased with how it's performing."

Advice: "If you can afford the upfront cost then it's well worth doing both in terms of the long term savings and the environmental benefits."

Blair, Franklin , Auckland

Review Date: 26/06/2014

Size: 2kW

Running for: 3 weeks

Comments on the installation: "Installation of the system took one day.  It was pleasant experience, with the electrician, being polite, cheerful & respectful."

Comments on the system performance: "Whilst the weather has been more overcast than normal, the system is producing power at times more than expected in the winter months."

Howard, Auckland

Review Date: 25/06/2014

Size: 4kW

Running for: 8 months

Comments on the installation: "Excellent communication and no hassles with instal - we were having a renovation done at the same time and they fitted in easily. Was only a few days - the panels on the roof and then hooking up the electrics with our sparky."

Comments on the system performance: "About what was expected in summer but less than we had hoped in winter. Power bills which had averaged $240pm across the year were little or nothing but are now up to $100"

Advice: "Look at how you use power and where possible use it during the day when it is likely to be free. We also put in a hot water heat pump which only runs between 10am and 2pm - heating a 300l tank which gets us through all day and night. Use timers if you aren't around during the day to turn on dishwashers, washing machines. etc."

John, Rodney , Auckland

Review Date: 25/06/2014

Size: 2kW

Running for: 7 months

Comments on the installation: "Installers were good. Approx 3 weeks delay while ordering parts. Then one day to install."

Comments on the system performance: "It appears to be performing well, but difficult to detirmine savings. Billing system has been based on estimates, based on estimates to the point of absolute cofusion and disbelief. [ I think they must use Lotto to fix there estimated readings !!!!] In an admission that they could not understand there own accounts, Meridian have now cancelled all previous "Accounts" and are starting again from November of last year. Trying to get an answer was, in the extreme, frustrating. The information call line, is difficcult to access, and appears to be staffed by people not equipped to give advice. Hopefully Meridian have now got things sorted

Advice: "In an act of frustration I cotacted Contact Energy. The information they provided was all by email, and again difficult to understand. No one was available to discuss my questions.  If we are to expand the use of solar, it is vitally important that these companies must be required to present information and accounts that are simple to interpret and understand."

Fred & Pauline, Rodney , Auckland

Review Date: 25/06/2014

Size: 2kW

Running for: 6 months

Comments on the installation: "A painless process, the installers were very respectful of our property, asking our opinion and agreement with aspects of the installation before going ahead."

Comments on the system performance: "Really good, in the summer months it saved us about $50 per month, probably about half that in the winter months."

Advice: "If you have the money in your bank, use it to install a solar system, it gives a better return than the bank interest. Borrowing money to install solar panels might not be so economic."

Walter, North Shore , Auckland

Review Date: 25/06/2014

Size: 2kW

Running for: 6 months

Comments on the installation: "A painless process, the installers were very respectful of our property, asking our opinion and agreement with aspects of the installation before going ahead."

Comments on the system performance: "Really good, in the summer months it saved us about $50 per month, probably about half that in the winter months."

Advice: "If you have the money in your bank, use it to install a solar system, it gives a better return than the bank interest. Borrowing money to install solar panels might not be so economic."

Phil, Rodney , Auckland

Review Date: 25/06/2014

Size: 2kW

Running for: 10 months

Comments on the installation: "The installers Sky Solar were very good . time to install about 2 days maybe 3. I recommended them to my to my brother Mike who has since had a 3 kw system installed."

Comments on the system performance: "Performance is good, more than enough for my needs, I am the only one in the house so far my power bill is showing credit".

Advice: "Better than most investments. I recommend it to any one that can afford it and has suitable roof aspect for the panels."

Terry, Rodney , Auckland

Review Date: 25/06/2014

Size: 3kW

Running for: 9 months

Comments on the installation: "he installation took 2 days to install and wired into meter box. The installer was very knowledgeable and clean in his work. We had 10 panels installed."

Comments on the system performance: "The solar power system has produced savings as quoted and have been monitoring the power that it has produced. The power bill has certainly been reduced"

Advice: "Ensure that the solar company imports their products and also their installers work for the company to get the right warranty.Do your own research and obtain three quotes and take time to decide and not be pressured into buying."